Terms & Conditions

  1. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to provide a packed lunch (NO NUTS) and suitable clothing (ie, clothes that you don't mind getting messy). We do not take responsibility for any valuables.
  2. Any child whose behaviour risks harm to themselves or others, or spoils the enjoyment of other children would be asked to sit out and do 'quiet' activities. Parents would be informed in this case and no refunds given. If a child is violent to staff or other children, or if their behaviour continues to cause harm or spoil enjoyment, parents will be asked to collect their child and no refund will be given.
  3. By submitting the booking form you give consent for emergency first aid to be given by persons trained to do so.
  4. No refunds are available for cancellation by you, transferring a place to another child is allowed (the child must be within the age range and a new booking registration must be completed BEFORE the event).
  5. It is responsibility of the parent/carer to inform Fab Science of any allergies or medical conditions and to provide asthma inhalers or epipens as necessary. Children who have been prescribed an inhaler or epipen will not be admitted without it.
  6. We cannot accept children into our holiday clubs who are unwell. or who have been sick within the last 48 hours. If a child becomes unwell during the day, they will need to be collected as soon as possible. Our staff cannot administer any medicines (with the exception of asthma inhalers and epipens).
  7. Occasionally, activities may be changed on the day if necessary due to the weather, equipment, venue limitations etc.
  8. You accept our full terms and conditions which can be found by clicking here.